Prince William Sound Galcier Cruise

10:44 PM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

Jason, Kaden and I was given a free glacier cruise by Jason's mom. So we drove down to Whittier and hopped aboard a boat. Kaden loved seeing the water and boats.

I forget the name of this glacier. But you can see the size of it compared to the boat in front of the rock. We got to hear and see some of the glacier falling into the water. Kaden is my little cuddlebug, he loves to give hugs and kisses. Him and daddy are showing their teeth.

Kaden did really well as we rose out to the different sights. He FINALLY took a nap on Jason. Of course Jason used that time to take one as well. Kaden is still learning how to point to the body part instead of poke it. He is saying "eye" as he pokes daddys eye. We might have to buy Brooke goggles.

I love this photo of KAden looking out at the water and boats. Kaden and I sat outside for a little before we started moving. Boy you cant tell that Kaden looks a lot like his daddy huh? The last photo is just a random shot of Alaska's beauty. We saw an eagle and other birds, as well as otters. No whales, which I was hoping for. Oh well, maybe next time.


10:18 PM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

For one of the warm days we actually got, I decided to fill up the "pool." Seeing as I would have passed out trying to inflate a baby pool, I "Alaskanized" and filled up 3 pools. One pool was a sled and the other 2 were toy bins. You can see Kaden had a blast. He loves sticking his face in any water and drinking.

Kaden sat in one of his pools. Yes it looks like he is calling me a dirty name in this pic, but he is actually saying "egg" for the egg seperator he is playing with. This boy has a thousand expressions.

Here Kaden is sitting in the sled pool. I had to cover up the 2 holes that hold a seatbelt with good ol duct tape. Can't live in Alaska and not have 3 rolls laying around. Kaden is waving "hi" to me in the other pic.

Kaden and I went to a neighbors house to go swimming. She was able to blow up her baby pool because she doesn't have a baby kicking her lungs. I watch Caleb when his mom and dad are working and going to school. Caleb is just a couple of monthes older then Kaden so they have a blast together.

We visited my dad, Carmen, and Sam in the hotel they were staying in. There was a pool so of course we had to take Kaden swimming. It was so cold!! You would think being in Alaska, they would have a heated pool due to ll the tourists! Kaden loved "kick kick kick"ing with daddy.


11:42 PM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

Here are some photos of Jasons trip to Glacier. This photo shows where the planes land and drop off gear and climbers. This place also acts as base camp for those who are going to climb Mt McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America.

Jason with Mt. Foraker in the back ground.

Here Jason and some others started making an igloo. Everyone quit but Jason. He wanted to be able to use the bathroom in peace and not in plain sight!

Here is the finished product. Jason was charging people to use his bathroom, such an entrapunuer.

Here is his little igloo bathroom with a beautiful backdrop.

Mt Denali!!

Jason with all his gear, climbing with Mt. Hunter in the background.

This is why Jason was stuck on the glacier for 3 extra days. Planesw could not fly in due to visibility. They started getting pretty bored.

Here are some crampons that they where when hiking. A guy in his group caught himself in the calf and tore it up pretty good.

Out and about

8:11 PM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

With the weather being rainy for 2 weeks, Kaden and I didnt get out very much. I was also pretty exhausted for Brooke and chasing Kaden. But when we finally did get beauitful weather, we got out and about!

Of course this picture is a day that it rained. Kaden and I went to the Alaska Wildlife Refuge with some out of town friends. Kaden loved the bear, moose and eagle. We saw a fox and he just laughed, it was the cutest thing! But I think his favorite was all the rocks! He had to bend down and pick up one every five feet!

This was one of the few beautiful days we have had this summer. We went to Music at the Library. We met up with some friends and had a little picnic. Kaden loved running around and seeing all the kids there. He actually left his hat on!! I think because I left mine on. Afterwards, we didnt want to mioss on the sunny day so we went to a playground. As you can see, there were tiny rocks everywhere! So Kaden had a blast playing in that. He always manages to find water as well and had to splash in it.

We went to the Saturday Market that is held downtown in the summer. Kaden loved seeing all the dogs walking around. He had a blast with the juggler and was trying to do the same thing he was doing. He would just laugh and yell "ball!" He got tired of the stroller, and I wanted to wear him out more, so I let him walk around. He loved pointing out all the bear, moose, eagle, fish, etc taht he saw. This kid knows his animals!! From the picture, you can tell how big I am getting. I have only gained 10 lbs so far. With Kaden I gained 26. I think Kaden keeps me in shape chasing after him! His Aunt Nene taught him how to show his teeth and that is what he is doing on Grandma Bevs shoulders.

This is one of the days we were stuck inside. He loved having that bandana on his head. Then when we added the glasses, he couldnt help but smile!! Isnt he a ham!

These are extra photos from the 4th of July that a friend sent. Kaden looked playing in the cold water. It was too cold for me! But he insisted on picking up rocks and throwing them! Later on we found a leech in between his fingers.

My mom and aunt took Kaden to the zoo. He loved seeing all the animals and let everyone in the zoo know when he saw a tiger, bear, or bird. My aunt said that Kaden stood next to a little girl and put his hand ever so gently on her back and patted her! He is such a big flirt! I have told him that he is not allowed to date until he is 20!

I have a feeling we will have to teach Kaden soon about strangers and only to talk to them when mommy or daddy is around. Wherever we go, he is saying hi to everyone. The other day he had a great checkup with the doctor and didnt fuss at all, until he got his shots. But he is very social and will hug just about anyone. He seems to be very sensitive to what is going on around him. When other kids are upset he will start to cry. Or even when parents are very stern with their kids, he will run to me and start crying. Of course when I tell him "no" he just tells me "no, no" back!

He is starting to be more independent and understand a lot. It is very trying and can be exhausting. Jason and I want to discipline him the correct way and not just as a qiuck fix. So when he is freaking out, I get to his eye level and talk to him. He calms down and then listens and somehow seems to understand. He is becoming more of my little helper.

Jason is back from his glacier tour and hopefully will be getting pictures soon. He was snowed in so had to stay 3 extra days. He came back stinky and with a nice farmers tan. He is trying to convince me to agree with him on climbing Denali next year.....