Birthday Weekend

7:02 PM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

My family came down for the weekend to celebrate my brother and sisters birthday. We had a murder mystery...... Grandma Carmen, Grandpa, Brooke and Kaden
So this is what you call babysitting huh.......

Mommy and Brooke

Jordan and Sam

The Kids-Nate, Jamie, Jason, Jordan and Sam


Nate AKA Juan Bandito

The boys eating cupcakes

The whole gang


6:30 PM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

Our little Peanut is well still a little peanut!! She is a wopping 12 lbs now!! She is on the charts for her height and weight but still not her head size. But she acts like a normal 7 month old baby. She loves to talk and laugh. She loves smiling especially at Kaden. She is a mommy girl and hates to see me walk away. I love that she is a mommys girl but sometimes its nice to be able to put her down and get stuff done.

She still loves to be swaddled. She will only stay asleep if she is swaddled or held. She wakes up every 3-4 hours so I am still not getting great sleep. One day......
Brooke is pretty content and loves to watch Kaden. I have been able to give noth of them a bath and she loves the water just like her brother.
Brooke has started eating solids and loves fruit. I hope she is like her brother and not picky. I love being able to give Kaden vegetables and he eats them. His favorite meal is chicken, broccoli and rice. I think Brooke's is yogurt.

Whoever invited the pacifier is a genius! Brooke loves hers and it helps when others are watching her. She loves to hold it, chew on it, and turn it around and put it in her mouth.

She is finally wearing 6 month clothes, but still in some 3 month clothes. If you know me well enough, I dont like girly stuff but I love dressing Brooke up!! She looks great in pink and I have these little tights that are to cute on her! She is fun dressing up, boy clothes are boring.

Her she is eating bananas. I have been making my own baby food, trying to save money. She basically eats what we eat anyways so sometimes it is easier. Meal times can be a challege from feeding a toddler, to a baby, the dog and oh yeah Im hungry to so I should eat something!

Just another cute picture of her cute little outfit!

Im sure some are wondering about her health. She had a well baby checkup and is doing pretty good. We have a 2 hour assetment on the 27th. The doctor will test her on some things and they will let us know what we can work with her on at home. She isnt rolling over yet and she is not really interested. She tries to sit straight up, she will have killer abs. She loves kicking her legs and gets herself rocking even when being held. She also has an eye appointment because her eyes still get crossed eyed. Her hearing is doing really well, she responds when I call or talk to her. Her arms and legs are a little tight still, but hopefully the doctor will give us some things to help losen her up.
She is such a blessing and I cant stop kissing on her and Kaden. Kaden tells me "i lobe you" and Brooke gets so excited when I walk in the room. They both melt my heart and I love them more everyday. There are days though that I havent gotten in the shower, the house is a mess and I just want a large glass of Malibu rum and orange juice and then go to bed cause the kids are driving me nuts. After I take a deep breath and ask God for "help!" I remember that my kids are really great and I couldnt imagine my life without them.


5:59 PM, Posted by Jamie, 2 Comments

Gosh where do I start with Kaden! He has so much energy!! He is all boy and tries to get into everything. I can't take my eyes off of him for a minute. Here is a classic example of my ball of energy. I was trying to put Brooke down for a nap so I baracaded Kaden in his room. 5 minutes later I went into Kadens room and found him, well you can see for yourself........ It was on the floor and his bed as well. I had to take pictures, but then call poision control because baby powder can be bad if inhaled, I later found out. Luckily ther was no talc in his baby powder.
But there is still powder on his changing table. He gets on his changing table and knocks down pictures and then pulls out all his clothes in his three drawers before he goes to bed. Ugh!

I found him sitting inside his drawer one time when he was suppose to be in bed. He has a toddler bed but he wants to sleep in his crib, even through he climbs out. He has climbed over two gates on top of each other as well.

This is Kadens first haircut from mommy! I was so tired of the hair in his face so I just started cutting it in the bathtub. It wasnt THAT bad. Lets just say luckily he is young enough that kids couldnt make fun of him yet.

Kaden is getting better at using a fork and spoon. But he loves mac and cheese that he doesnt have the patience to use a fork so he just uses his hands, which gets everywhere. He is a messy little boy.

He has been trying to take his clothes off and this is how much he has figured out. Some days he doesnt want a shirt on, some days its pants. Luckily it is getting warmer.
Great news, Kaden is using the potty!! Well when we remember to put him on the potty. He loves watching Elmos Potty Time and enjoys using the big potty. His favorite part of it is flushing. There has been a couple times now though where he had "poopy" on his hands. One time I find his with his diaper off and the smell of poop but couldnt find it! He kept telling me he went poop but I couldnt find it, the next day, Jason found it on the wall behind his crib.
Kaden loves to learn and sometimes I feel like I cant keep up with him! He knows his ABC's and can recognize them as well as numbers. He knows colors and shapes and loves to sing songs. Sometimes I take a step back with some of the things he says!! He uses please, thank you, and you welcome. I have to remember that he is only 2, especially when he throws his crazy tantrums! He loves to bounce, he will stand in place and just bounce for a minute. Boy if I could bottle that energy! He still loves Brooke and always tries to get her to do something. He gave her a dry bean one day, good thing I caught it in time.