12:46 AM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

Okay we are going to go bakwards beause I dont feel like moing photos, sorry. So we all flew to Seattle for a week for Jasons work. While there we isited family and friends. I hae to say Kaden and Brooke are frequent fliers! Kaden has been to FL, WA, and cA! So this is a photo of Kaden and Brooke a ouple days after we got home. Kaden asked to "hold Brooke."
Brooke is a happy baby. She is almost weaned off her seiure mediine. She hasnt had any seiures but she stiffens up a lot. Hopefully she will grow out of this. She is trying to roll oer. In this pi, we were staying with Jasons brother Will and his family. THey lie in Lynden,WA.
Kaden wathing some T waiting for his ousin Kole to ome home from shool so he an play with him. We spent 4 days in Lynden. It was so green and rainy, strange just oming from snow. We also go to do some shopping.
Kaden and Brooke enjoying a sunny window.
Kaden and his ousin Kole both just woke up, an you tell?? Dont they look like they ould be brothers! What uties!
Kole, Kaden and Brooke. Kole was wanting to hold Brooke and be by her just as muh as Kaden.
Our friends Jeff and Tiff with their boys Josiah and Eli. They lie in Albany, OR. We stayed with them for a night. We droe to OR on a monday got there at 9pm, stayed up till 2am talking and left for Lynden, WA around 7pm Tuesday. Lots of driing! It was great seeing the Johnsons! We last saw Eli when he was a baby!! Kaden loed playing with the boys!

Sorry I dont know how to flip the photo. So we flew down to Seattle on a Saturday. As soon as we arried, we went to our friends, Jon and Erias work hristmas party. What a day!
Kaden got his fae painted for the first time, he did pretty well. He has a Rudolph nose.
He was tired beause he didnt take a ery long nap on the plane. He atually flew asleep in the terminal waiting for the plane! I was impressed! Yep it was Jason, Kaden, and Brooke, all sleeping beause we got up at 4 in the morning and eeryone was tired. Poor ol mom!!
Our friends Jon, Erica, and cooper.
Kaden eating pia and holding onto his balloon animal. It was a dog.
Lets see what else has been going on. Jason is coahing the freshman squad for basketball at South High. It is the same shool that I coah at. Sad thing is he gets paid and I dont and I am the head coah of the whole program!
We arelooking forward to hristmas. This year was more fun buying gifts for Kaden. I guess it only gets better as the years go on. More epensie I am sure!
Kaden surprises me eeryday. He is atually speaking in sentenes now. They are kind of broken but I understand, like he will say "mommy where you are!" He is suh a friendly kid. We went to a party tonight and he jumped in with all the kids like he knew them for years. He would also go up to other adults without being shy. He is singing songs like jingle bells, twinkle little star, and abs just to name a few. He is ALWAYS talking about pirates!! I think they are ingrained in his head from Jason taking him on a ride at Disneyland. He likes to sing the song "yo ho yo ho." He is beoming more independent whih means more tantrums. Jason and I are figuring out what works best for him. Usually it is timeouts or spankings. He likes to sream and that is a hard one to break. He usually does it when he is frustrated. Okay so I think I am jsut rambling now, I should probably go to bed!


12:37 AM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

Here are just some random photos that I ouldnt pass up! Brooke loes to sleep under her blankets and enjys being swaddled. Our friends were up from Seattle and spent the night with us. After a night of pia, the boys needed to be hosed down!! Kaden had so muh hair so of ourse I had to mess with it! I loe Brookes toothless grin, she is suh a happy baby!
PS-Seeral of my keys are going out on our keyboard, an y ou guess whih ones!! Time for a new one!

Brooke's Birth

12:18 AM, Posted by Jamie, No Comment

I just got these photos from a friend and wanted to share them. These were taken when Brooke was about 2 hours old!