
8:52 PM, Posted by Jamie, One Comment

Isn't she beautiful?! It's amazing how preious they are when they are this little. Then they grow up and start throwing fits! Yeah I am speaking of Kaden. He still is a great little boy and will always be. Yes he is starting to beome more independent and its sad, not my little baby boy anymore. Good thing I have Brooke!
This is one of the many photos I got of Brooke smiling. I love to see her huge toothless smiles! She loves to talk as well. She has this high pith squeal that is just too adorable! Kaden loves loving on her. He is always asking where she is and makes sure she is with us if we go somewhere. He always wants to give her a kiss and hug. But when he starts crying he says, "loud, noise."

These two were having a jolly good time! Kaden says "Hey Brooke" in his cute little voice. He is learning so much. He sings twinkle twinle, abcs, and itsy bitsy spider to name a few. He loves bingo and always wants me to sing it so he an run around in circles, jump or clap his hands. He loves doing push ups with daddy and counts to 10. His push ups consist of his hands being on the floor and his head bobbing up and down.

She is such a sweetheart, I am always kissing on her! We are learning how to handle her more and now she is such a happy baby. She loves to move and be held, so I have been using the swing a lot. She also loves to be swaddled, which Kaden hated.

Yeah I had to put this photo on here, I thought it was to funny. Wont be able to do it when she is older! She was working on something!

Here is my little monster! He just woke up, can you tell by the hair! He has so much of it! I need to get him a haircut! Kaden is doing awesome with sleeping. He actually tells me if he wants a nap and when he is tired! Gosh it seems like yesterday he was waking up 12 times in one hour and I was getting up throughout the hours of the night!! Brooke sleeps pretty well. She wakes up only 3-4 times and goes right back to bed! Thank you Jesus!

"What?" Yes he actually says this and it is the funniest thing. He is starting to form sentences and it is so fun to seem him learn new words. He knows colors and some shapes. This boy loves to learn. I have a feeling when he gets into school we are going to have to give him extra stuff to keep him busy and not bored.

Brooke in her swing. I am so glad she is getting use out of it cause Kaden hated it. I am starting to get the hang of having two kids and how to juggle them. I remember thinking "how am I going to do this?" when we first brought Brooke home. Jason has watched both kids so I could get out of the house a couple of times now.
We also had Thanksgiving and enjoyed our time with family. Christmas is right around the corner and I ma having more fun shopping for Kaden this year. Im sure each year will just get better!!
Jason has been busy with work and he opened up his own business called JR Corporation. He does side jobs through his work. He designed a several thousand dollar kitchen and has been installing cabinents as well. He is looking at getting a plow so he can start plowing as well.

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10:13 PM, Posted by Jamie, One Comment

We all flew down to Seattle for our friends annual Murder Mystery. The kids and I went down early to spend some time with our friends. The muder mystery was set in the wild west, I was a telegraph operator and Jason was a undertaker. Jason made me a really ool telegraph prop. He enjoyed measuring everyone and asking what kind of wood they would like for their offin. Kaden and Kooper are sitting with the Sheriff who was shot. Kaden kept on referrin to him as "the man."
Kaden and his buddy Kooper wanting to get upstairs.
We took the kids to the park, for a hike and to the library. It was suh great weather down there! I loved being able to take Brooke out of her arseat and not worry about her freezing to death! Kaden was swimming in the roks.We also went to a pumpkin patkh and a korn maze. Kaden and Jason were eating some kettle korn. Kaden wanted to get down and go through the korn. We did pretty good going through.
Brooke was sleeping of kourse!
Kaden was huggning the pumpkins.
Kaden and Kooper were wathing Fraggle Rok with Jon.
Kaden and Kooper on a hike! The boys did pretty good until they ran into some blakberry bushes whih have thorns. We just wanted to get them tired out!

Brooke was under my jaket. We had to get some ppis with some fall weather.

Fall In AK

9:36 PM, Posted by Jamie, One Comment

(The "see" is not working on the keyboard) So it has been awhile sine I have updated this, sorry! Brooke is growing but she is still little! When we took her in for her 6 week hek up she weighed 8 lbs 8 oz, about the size Kaden was when he was born! She had her BAER test and we found out that her left ear is fine but she has mild to moderate hearing loss in her right ear. We have to have another test in 4-6 months to make sure it is not getting worse.

One fall afternoon, we took the kids to a nearby lake. We walked around and enjoyed the risp air and fallen leaves. We had to enjoy it quikly beause the leaves were gone so fast. Brooke was hidden in my jaket, she was taking a nap.

For Halloween, we arved a pumpkin and handed out andy. Kaden was an elephant and the utest one at that! He had fun stamping bats and spiders on the pumpkin as well as sooping out the goop. Everyone time he put a peie of any in someones bag he would say thank you. He is still asking about "andy" so he an hand it out.